About Us
Supporter of the Benson Community Baseball and Softball programs. Growing and developing players from little league through high school.

Get Information About….
Get the most up-to-date information regarding our Varsity and JV teams including players. Get schedule information which includes games, practices, fundraising opportunities, and important meetings.
Apps and Contact Data
Know who to contact when you have a question and obtain the current apps that the team is using for communication so that you are always in the know.
Out in the Community
Get the latest information regarding Benson Baseball and Softball. This includes upcoming and past events, player recognition, and community outings.
Multiple Ways To Communicate
Team Communication
Make sure to join our team band to know if there are changes to schedules, questions, and traffic information to plan effective game days.
Game Changer
Scheduling and Scoring
Get all of your schedules for practices, games, and more with locations. Can’t make it to one of the games, we will be streaming games live from this app so you never have to miss a play.
Max Prep
Final Scores and Schedules
This app gives you final score information that is up to date and shows you statistics for your favorite player.
Team Bonding
Coverage of all Benson Baseball community events.
Player Memories
Great app to download pictures to share with everyone from the game, Easy to cross-post onto multiple social media platforms.
Quick Team Messages
An extra place for quick messages to get to the team and parents regarding games and tournaments.